Beverly Holmes Diltz – Be The Change You Want To See

Have you ever wondered what makes life easy or tough? A life is tough when you have to convince your mind to make a decision based on assumptions, myths and common sayings. Don't limit yourself to assumptions. One should be keen enough to dwell and understand. Beverly Holmes Diltz encourages all to be a little more vigilant and keen to look into the matter before nodding heads in affirmation. You can know more about her from Beverly Holmes Diltz account on Medium. Beverly Diltz is a young enthusiast and social activist. She began her legal career as entrepreneur CEO with a desire to serve the constrain consumer in an under-served market. She travels around the world and encourages people to speak out their mind and bring about the change that they seek. Beverly firmly believes that change begins at home and every individual should be the change that he/she wants to see in the society. If you think that your society is gender biased, it is your responsibility to ma...